Thanks for stopping by, my name is Heidi Longfellow. I am the photographer behind Rmrz Photography. I love capturing those special moments in life and turning them into art. I would love to capture yours... Contact me at
There are few things as cool as seeing the strength and dedication of a 19 year old boy preparing to go on a mission. I can't imagine the commitment it takes to put your life on hold for 2 years, go to a foreign country, learn a new language, and teach a message of charity, hope, and faith. These boys are truly an inspiration, and you can see that spirit burning in Kimball, even through these photos.
You're never too old to act like a kid. And why wouldn't you want to? Kids have way more fun than adults. This family knows what it means to stay young at heart. Look at how happy Lynette is in the last photo.. no matter how much time goes by she looks like a teenager who just fell in love. Here's to not wasting youth on the young!!
How would it feel to be the only girl in a family with 4 boys... I wouldn't know. I grew up with all sisters. But I'm pretty sure this little girl will be spoiled to death. Although, I do feel bad for any future boyfriends she will have. Anyways, here's the Jacob's family. I was lucky enough to shoot their wedding a little over a year ago, and now I get to do the whole family including their newest addition!!
Do you ever feel like some people just have all the luck? These are the lucky winners of the contest I held with Harbertson Design . (Check out the amazing things they do!) And not only were the stars shining down on them for the contest, but they must have been burning like a supernova the day their little one was born. I mean seriously, good looks, sweet personality, and I'm just going to assume he's gonna grow up to be a genius. Well, I'm going to try my hand at Karma instead.. so enjoy these wonderful pics of a wonderful family.
You know I love America. Best country in the world. But sometimes I think we dropped the ball (no pun intended) in certain things. Like when we changed the name of "futbol" to Soccer. And then created an entirely different game that we call football. Why not stick with football, and create a new game that we call soccer? And don't get me started on how much easier the metric system is. Back to the point.. Check out Tyler and his awesome soccer skills. And his sweet yellow cleats.
So, when Kate and William got married, I fantasized just a little bit about wearing fancy hats. I think most women did. So I'm not ashamed. I just wished we still lived in a time where wearing fancy hats was the norm, because then I could totally sport a hat like this one without having a special occasion like the royal wedding. That being said Aly definitely pulls it off for an every day look. So I may be breaking the 10th commandment, and coveting this hat. I'm sure you will too. Take a look and see for yourself!
There's probably nothing better than finding out you are having a girl, and then seeing her come out with a full head of dark hair!! Seeing little "S" may or may not have made me squeal like the little girls in "Tangled" when they first see Rapunzel. Just the thought of all the cute things you can do with that hair makes me giddy with excitement!! And all the cute accessories don't hurt either! So here's a few of Sienna and her gorgeous locks. Congrats Doug and Shay, she's beautiful! Enjoy!